Throughout the years, I have had the opportunity to dance to various bands and even more blessed to become friends with some of them while following their careers. In March 2016, when I was teaching line dance at Yankee Lake Bootleggers in Eastern Ohio, I was first introduced to The Hobbs Sisters. I had never heard of them; by the end of the evening, I was quite impressed with both of them, not only for their musical abilities but also their personalities.
The Hobbs Sisters are twins Hannah and Lauren, originally from Pittsburgh, PA and currently pursuing their musical dreams in Nashville, TN. You can read all about them on their website https://thehobbssisters.com/ which includes their schedule, photos, and merchandise. Or find them on social media; they do a live Facebook post every week called “Talk to us Tuesday.”
Since our first meeting, I’ve enjoyed listening and dancing to The Hobbs Sisters several times, as well as talking with them after the shows. I saw them a few more times at Bootleggers and also at the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh. The most recent concert I saw was at the Big Butler Fair in Butler, PA, which is what inspired me to write about them from my perspective. They have a very supportive family, strong connections to their western PA roots, and a genuine desire to bond with their growing fan base.
The Hobbs Sisters were the opening act in Butler and “country rocked” the performance with several of their amazing original songs along with some covers. Even though the audience was in the grassy infield of the racetrack, not the best surface for line dancing, I couldn’t help myself. As they performed and looked over the large crowd towards me, I waved, and they both waved back. Afterwards they did a “meet and greet” and by the size of the line waiting to meet them, The Hobbs Sisters definitely gained some new fans there.
When they saw me, they said “Dori we knew that was you line dancing” and greeted me with a warm “twin hug” just like they always do. They make you feel like you are the most important person in their life at that moment. I watched them interact with many fans, young and old, all the while smiling, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and enjoying every single minute.
If you get the chance to see Lauren and Hannah perform, take my advice and go; you will not be disappointed. Their tour schedule includes dates in both Ohio and PA, along with West Virginia and (of course) continuing their success in TN. If anyone deserves to “make it big” in country music, it’s The Hobbs Sisters!
Dori Yez teaches Country Line Dancing on Mondays at Rolling Mills Bar in Girard, Ohio and occasionally on Thursdays at the Landmark Hotel in Mercer, PA. For more information, check out their Facebook pages. Dori also teaches line dance at the Cortland Ohio SCOPE Center on Fridays.