Country Dancing

Line Dance Updates


Since the last class I taught was at the beginning of March, and not too many places are open near me to go line dance, I decided to write an article every other month during this time. In this article I will revisit two of my past articles for updates.

In February’s article I wrote about Chris, a young man I know from line dancing who was in a horrible motorcycle accident. He spent months in rehabilitation and I’m happy to report that a few months ago Chris was back on the dance floor! I knew he was looking forward to the day he could line dance again, so when I decided to go to the Dusty for lessons, I told him. It’s always fun to dance beside my BRAT; add Chris on my other side and it was a great dancing night!

Considering what Chris went through, I thought he might need to take it easy, but he proved me wrong! After the lesson, he was out on the floor for as many dances as he could remember; although some of them have changed from when he originally learned them. I’ve found that dancers tweak steps (or alter them completely) so I danced beside Chris when I could to refresh his memory. It was an enjoyable night and I’m so amazed at the progression Chris has made!

In April’s article I shared that some of my students suggested different outdoor venues for classes; however, in June I had an appointment with an Orthopedist who suggested I refrain from teaching until a previous knee injury heals. If I can’t teach inside on a wooden floor, I know outside on cement or blacktop is definitely out of the question!

Luckily I’m able to dance, although I don’t go out very much and have to watch certain steps that might trigger pain or further injury. I’m still grateful to the Mishnock Barn and the Albro family who continue to offer online classes every Monday and Friday night on Facebook. I first mentioned them in my April article; since they didn’t want their line dance world to stop, they carry on by offering different levels of lessons!

If you’re blessed to have a line dance venue that is open and offering lessons, make sure you support them! If you’re one of the many who has resorted to outdoor classes and/or dancing, I hope your dance hall or bar opens soon. If you’re like me, who mainly dances at home, just keep on dancing!!

Here’s two choreographed by Donna Manning that I recently danced:

I Love This Life

Booty to the Floor

Once these establishments decide to resume lessons, Dori Yez hopes to continue teaching Country Line Dancing at Rolling Mills Bar in Girard, Ohio and at the Cortland Ohio SCOPE Center.

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