Music News

Mitch Kirkpatrick Releases New Single “Modern Society”


About two years ago and after year’s of performing with bands, Mitch Kirkpatrick decided it was time to try his own thing and perform as a solo artist. His self-titled EP with the single “BYOP” was released just last year and was a great place to start for the Lancaster, Ohio based singer. Now, with his latest single “Modern Society,” Kirkpatrick is ready to take his music even further.

“”BYOP” was and is a fun song,” Kirkpatrick explained in our recent interview. “When I released it, I didn’t realize the different age groups that it would target. I guess I was thinking mostly of my age group, the age when we show up to a buddies house with a case of beer in tow,” he admits. “However, I’m still amazed at the younger age groups, I’m talking elementary kids. They aren’t thinking beer and bonfires when they sing “BYOP” they are thinking Birthday parties and innocent fun. So I’d have to say, the reception was and is still a good one.”

His latest single, “Modern Society” will see more promotion to radio from Kirkpatrick’s management, as well as more social presence. The song was written by Kirkpatrick who found the inspiration that many listeners will find it easy to relate with. “The hour long commute to and from work, getting caught in rush hour traffic, in the summer, with no A/C,” he explained. “Then getting to cut loose on the weekends, only to start it all over on Monday morning.”

Kirkpatrick likes to cut loose on stage, too. The singer spent his first solo year performing everywhere from Country Night Lights in Athens to Newport Music Hall in Columbus. His first EP Release Party even brought out the Fire Department because the crowd well exceeded the capacity limit for the club. “I sold over 800 copies of the EP that night, that was before the fire department came,” Kirkpatrick said.

He will continue to stay busy on stage this year with shows already booked at The Rialto Theatre in Akron on June 16, Hocking County Fairgrounds on July 8, Thirsty Cowboy in Medina on August 12 and many more. He will also be heading back to Nashville to finish recording the material for his upcoming EP and plans a video shoot for “Modern Society.”

Kirkpatrick hopes that everything he is working on with the new EP and single may catch the eye of a record label, but if that doesn’t happen he will keep on going. “Although having a big record label backing me up would be nice. I just want to make a living doing what I love and that’s writing and performing music.”

Mitch Kirkpatrick’s self-titled EP and his latest single, “Modern Society” are available for download at iTunes, Amazon and Google Play. You can find out more about him on his Facebook page or his website

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