Country Chatter

Tracy Lawrence Helps Fry 1,200 Turkeys and Raises $250,000


Tracy Lawrence hosted his 18th annual Mission: Possible Turkey Fry and Benefit Concert in Nashville, Tennessee on Tuesday (Nov. 21), which benefits the Nashville Rescue Mission and helps feed Middle Tennessee’s hungry.

More than 250 volunteers helped fry over 1,200 turkeys – enough for more than 10,000 meals that will be distributed throughout Middle Tennessee to those in need during during the Thanksgiving holiday.

“I just want to encourage everyone to do a little part for each of their communities,” Lawrence told CMT in 2021. “Sometimes, all it takes is a spark. Something small can turn into something big. You just have to have the heart to want to give back to your fellow man. If everybody just gave back a little bit, the world would be a much better place.”

This year’s event was held at the Nashville fairgrounds, and some of Lawrence’s famous friends wre on hand to help including Gary Allan, Chris Young, Jamey Johnson, Ian Munsick, Travis Denning, Phil Vassar, Spencer Crandall, Frank Ray, David Lee Murphy, Trey Lewis, Kasey Tyndall and Noah Thompson.

The event moved to the Wildhorse Saloon later in the day for the benefit concert with Lee Brice, Priscilla Block and Halfway to Hazard joining Lawrence.

The event raised another $250,000 for Nashville Rescue Mission. Mission: Possible has provided more than 86,000 meals to the homeless across Middle Tennessee and raised more than $1 million for the Nashville Rescue Mission since it’s inception.

“I’m very proud of what Mission: Possible has grown into over the last 18 years,” Lawrence said. “To see hundreds of volunteers frying turkeys for hours is nothing short of incredible. I want to thank Lee, Priscilla and Halfway to Hazard for being a part of this memorable and giving event.”

Tracy Lawrence’s Mission:Possible exists to raise support and awareness of the homeless population in Middle Tennessee and beyond.

The organization was launched in 2006 with its initial fundraising event, Mission: Possible Turkey Fry which has raised over $600,000 for Nashville Rescue Mission, fried over 6,400 turkeys and provided over 90,000 meals to the homeless and hungry of Middle Tennessee. In 2021, the organization created a Spring event, Mission: Possible Celebrity Golf Classic which has raised over $800,000. Between the two events and outside donations, overall, Mission: Possible has raised over $2 Million for homelessness and continues to not only fulfill their mission statement, but also advocate for the cause.

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