Eric Church announced that he will sign over the publishing royalties to the people of North Carolina following the devastation of Hurricane Helene. The song, Church’s first new solo release in over three years, is titled “Darkest Hour” and is available now.
“This song, ‘Darkest Hour,’ was the best way I could think to try to help,” stated Church in a press release. “We’ve been helping with boots on the ground efforts, but this is something that will live beyond just the immediate recovery. This is not a quick thing to fix, so hopefully ‘Darkest Hour’ will be able to contribute to that for a long time to come. This song goes to my home, North Carolina, now and forever.”
He continues, “‘Darkest Hour’ is a song dedicated to the unsung heroes, the people who show up when the world’s falling apart. This is for the folks who show up in the hardest times, offering a hand when it’s most needed, and standing tall when others can’t. Even in your darkest hour, they come running. When the night’s at its blackest, this is for those who are holding the light, guiding the lost and pulling us through. The message of the song specifically in this time is about Hurricane Helene and the people that need help, but in a broader view, it’s about any challenging times that we have in our life, which we’ll all have. And it’s always important to know that in your darkest hour, there are people that will come running, there are people that will help. And I think it’s also important to be one of the people that go running when other people need help.”
All I really know is I never know
What’s coming around the bend
But you should know you’re not alone
Hang on and hold my hand
In your darkest hour
Baby I’d come runnin’
In your darkest hour
I’d light your way
Baby don’t give up
I’ll do everything in my power
To take even a minute off your darkest hour
In addition to his efforts in his home state, Church’s Chief Cares will be assisting not only in North Carolina, but in all states and communities affected from Appalachia to the Gulf.