Dori Yez

  • Country Dancing

    How It All Started

    In previous articles, I mentioned that my dance career began at a studio...

  • Country Dancing

    Onstage Again

    For this month’s article, I will share with you a different passion of...

  • Country Dancing

    Sunshine in My Pocket

    Even though the title of this month’s article sounds happy, please bear with...

  • Country Dancing

    Wasted Time

    Writing this article gives me an online platform to introduce my audience to...

  • Country Dancing

    The Dance of Life

    For several years I have had the pleasure of teaching a lady by...

  • Country Dancing

    Out On The Dance Floor

    This month I have some exciting news and updates about my adventures out...

  • Country Dancing

    Light At The End Of The Tunnel

    As I promised in my January article, I would keep you posted on...

  • Country Dancing

    Grateful for the memories

    For my first article of 2021, I was finding it difficult to pick...

  • Country Dancing

    Review, and review again

    As I’ve stated in previous articles, since I haven’t taught any lessons during...

  • Country Dancing

    Line Dance Updates

    Since the last class I taught was at the beginning of March, and...